Tuesday 3 November 2020

The Tulip "will bring new life to the City of London" says Peter Murray

The Tulip by Foster + Partners

New London Architecture chairman Peter Murray has said that tourist attractions like The Tulip by Foster + Partners are needed to help the City of London recover from the coronavirus pandemic.

Speaking in a video posted to YouTube, Murray defended the 305.3-metre-high viewing platform as the public inquiry into its planning application began.

"The square mile needs to diversify its economy"

He argued that the Foster + Partners-designed tourist attraction would help the City of London reposition itself following the coronavirus pandemic.

"A lot of the inquiry will focus on just how much harm The Tulip will do to the historic views of the Tower of London, but it needs also to take on board the fact that The Tulip will bring new life to the City of London itself," said Murray.

Peter Murray
Top: The Tulip would be built in the City of London. Above: Peter Murray

"The square mile needs to diversify its economy as a result of Covid-19, more homeworking, as well as the impact of Brexit," he continued.

"The whole of London needs a strong centre if we are to remain a competitive global city. If it is to do so it needs investments like The Tulip more than ever."

The Tulip plans passed by City of London but rejected by mayor

The Tulip would be built directly next to Foster + Partners' Stirling Prize-winning 30 St Mary Axe skyscraper. It would be funded by billionaire Jacob J Safra, who bought the skyscraper, which is better known as the Gherkin, in 2014.

New images showing the interiors of the attraction were revealed by the studio today.

Foster + Partners first revealed the proposed tower in 2018. It was approved by the City of London, which said the structure had "the potential to become an architectural icon", in 2019.

The Tulip in the City of London
The Tulip would be a new visitor attraction

However, later in the year London's mayor Sadiq Khan rejected the proposal as it would provide "very limited public benefit" to the City of London.

Foster + Partners launched an appeal against this decision in January 2020 and now the government will make the final decision.

"Arrangement creates a new crescent"

According to Murray, who was one of the founders of Blueprint magazine, Khan and the mayor's office did not approve of the tower's relationship with the existing skyscraper.

However, he thinks the crescent created between the two structures will please Nicholas Boys Smith, who was recently appointed to lead a government design task force. Foster + Partners has also redesigned the base following the mayor's comments.

Park at base of The Tulip
A park would be created at the base of The Tulip

"The mayor didn't like the changes to the public space around the Gherkin, but the arrangement creates a new crescent," explained Murray.

"This little street I'm sure will be welcomed by government design advisor and founder of Create Streets Nick Boys Smith," he continued.

"The mayor thought that the concrete base was a mute architectural element, but these classically inspired flutings have been put in to give it a voice."

The Tulip pavilion
A pavilion would help create a crescent-shaped street

If built, the concrete viewing tower will be wrapped with a series of gondola ride attractions, while inside the attraction there would be educational facilities, called sky classrooms, as well as restaurants and cafes.

Norman Foster, founder of the Foster + Partners, described the tower as  "inevitably controversial" last year, but stated that he believes the structure has the chance to become "a world symbol of London".

Visuals by DBOX for Foster + Partners.

The post The Tulip "will bring new life to the City of London" says Peter Murray appeared first on Dezeen.

from Dezeen https://ift.tt/3oOtXnv

Foster + Partners reveals updated visuals of The Tulip viewing platform as planning enquiry begins

The Tulip by Foster + Partners

Architecture studio Foster + Partners has revealed updated visuals of The Tulip tourist attraction in the City of London showing its interiors and base.

Foster + Partners created the updated visuals ahead of the public enquiry into the planning application for The Tulip viewing platform, which began today.

A review is taking place as London mayor Sadiq Kahn rejected the proposal after the City of London had approved the attraction's construction.

The atrium in The Tulip by Foster + Partners
Top: The Tulip will have views across London. Above: the atrium will include a glass-floored bridge

The visuals show several of the spaces that would be created within the planned 305.3-metre-high tourist attraction.

These include The Tulip's Sky Bar, which would be built within a glass dome at the tip of the structure.

The Tulip's Sky Bar
The Tulip will be topped with a bar

The visuals show the glass-fronted atrium space, which will include the Skybridge with a glass floor.

There are also images of several of The Tulip's viewing galleries as well as visuals of the Aspire London Space education and community facilities.

The Tulip viewing deck
There will be several viewing galleries

Foster + Partners has also revealed several visuals showing the areas surrounding the base of the tower, which would be built directly alongside Foster + Partners' Stirling Prize-winning 30 St Mary Axe skyscraper.

Billionaire Jacob J Safra, who owns the skyscraper that is better known as the Gherkin, would fund the construction of The Tulip.

Aspire London Space education facility
The Aspire London Space education facility will have views of London

At the base of the tower, Foster + Partners plans to create a small park.

The studio has also designed a two-storey, glass-walled pavilion, which would be topped with a rooftop garden.

The Tulip park
A park will be created at the base of the tower

The concrete viewing tower, which will be wrapped with a series of gondola ride attractions, has proved controversial since it was first revealed in 2018.

Initially, London City Airport said the structure could impact its radar system, while the London mayor said the structure breached planning guidelines.

The Tulip pavilion
A glass-walled pavilion would be built alongside the Gherkin

Although the structure was approved by the City of London planners, London mayor Kahn rejected the towers planning application.

This lead to Foster + Partners launching an appeal in January 2020. The government will now make a final decision on whether the attraction will be built.

The Tulip pavilion roof
The pavilion would be toped with a park

The controversy surrounding the project did not surprise Foster + Partners founder Norman Foster, who described the tower as  "inevitably controversial" last year.

However, the British architect believes that like the Gherkin, the structure has the chance to become "a world symbol of London".

Visuals by DBOX for Foster + Partners.

The post Foster + Partners reveals updated visuals of The Tulip viewing platform as planning enquiry begins appeared first on Dezeen.

from Dezeen https://ift.tt/3eotOSB

Mepla pipe system by Geberit

Geberit's Mepla pipe system

Dezeen showroom: Mepla by Swiss brand Geberit is a multilayer pipe system made from PE-RT and aluminium that can be used to deliver both drinking water and heating.

Mepla combines metal and plastic to take advantage of the best of both materials. It consists of an outer layer of second-generation polyethylene of raised temperature (PE-RT), a middle layer of aluminium and an inner layer of PE-RT to make it is stable yet bendable.

Using PE-RT and aluminium makes Mepla more corrosion-resistant than metal pipes, but more robust than plastic pipes. The multilayered Mepla can be used as one single system for both drinking water and heating supply.

Mepla multilayered pipes
Mepla pipes consist of three layers

Pipes come in sizes from 16 to 75 millimetres and Geberit has designed a selection of about 300 fittings, made from gunmetal and polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF), to make sure Mepla suits nearly all installation tasks.

Both fittings have protective caps so they can be hygienically stored.

The pipe system also remains leak-proof even when subjected to pressure that far exceeds the standard testing pressure of 1.1 megapascals.

Product: Mepla
Brand: Geberit
Contact: bettina.starck@geberit.com

The post Mepla pipe system by Geberit appeared first on Dezeen.

from Dezeen https://ift.tt/327E39b

Tickets are now available for Nicer Tuesdays November!

Taking place Tuesday 24 November, this month’s Nicer Tuesdays features creative powerhouses Eric Hu, Manju Journal, Prarthna Singh and Sofie Birkin.

from It's Nice That https://ift.tt/34UQya1

Love, loss and loneliness: Polly Nor’s new heartbreaking film

Polly collaborates with animator Andy Baker in their latest timely film, How Have You Been?, featuring scenes we are all too familiar with. 

from It's Nice That https://ift.tt/3oT8hGI